Tuesday, June 4, 2013

High Street Fashion in Gulu, Uganda

High Street Fashion in the dusty town of Gulu, Uganda appears to be mainly imported from China.
However, like many of the African counties I have lived in or visited, most corner shops have a tailor who sets up his/her treadle sewing machine on the side-walk. This is often a meeting place for passers by, who catch up on the daily gossip and sometimes wait until a dress or some other item is sewn up in a jiffy.
Of course, the shop collection is tastefully on show to the public consumer.
What intrigues me in mesmerised wonder, is what normally would be "sex-shop blow-up dolls" sold in some Amsterdam red street outlet, are often proudly used as clothing dummies, with ski-pants squeezed onto ample, plastic posteriors.
Then there is the decision to combine a cap with something shiny draped in golden spangled glory over the top, (just in case you decide to adhere to that head-gear principle, and by the look on the dummy's face, even she is not too sure if it's really her "thing"!)

©Susan Cook-Jahme, Freelance Writer & illustrator

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Quick and Easy African Chilli Salsa

As you can see from my graphic artwork, chillies play a great part in my daily life, I even paint them and create graphics out of them, (feel free to use this image©, just as long as you attribute it to me.)

My husband loves very hot chilli with just about anything and everything he eats.

According to him the garlic keeps the mosquitoes from biting him and the chilli is his daily intake of vitamin C!
Here’s one of my recipes I’d like to share with you.

©Susan Cook-Jahme, Freelance Writer and Illustrator

Quick and Easy African Chilli Salsa
8 plum tomatoes - can use other varieties
4 cloves of garlic – leave skins on
2 large jalapeño chillies
2 heaped tablespoon chopped coriander
1 white onion, chopped finely
Juice of 1 lime
1 teaspoon of sea salt
·         Makes about 2 cups
·         Cooking time: 20 minutes
·         Heat a large, heavy-bottomed frying pan over a high heat.
·         Place the tomatoes, garlic and chilli in the dry frying-pan and dry roast until they are blackened, blistered and soft.  Take the garlic and chilli out of the pan first, (about 4 minutes)
·         The tomatoes will take a little longer, (about 8 to 10 minutes.)
·         Remove the stems from the chillies and the skin from the garlic. Put both in a blender and blitz to a paste.
·         Add the tomatoes and blend them with the chilli.
·         Add the coriander, onion and lime juice.
·         Taste and check for seasoning.
©Susan Cook-Jahme, Freelance Writer and Illustrator

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Monday, May 27, 2013

On the Gulu Streets, Uganda

I am fascinated with the fact that Uganda has the largest amount of twins I have ever seen in any African country I have visited. Not only are there a huge amount of human twins, there are many animals that produce twins, such as twin goats, sheep and cattle.
(Must be something in the White Nile waters!)

What I love is how the parents of twins in Uganda dress their children so beautifully, right down to colour coordinating their shoes.

©Susan Cook-Jahme, Freelance Writer
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Overberg's Blue Winter Skies

©Susan Cook-Jahme, Freelance Writer, Illustrator & Photographer
The Overberg's blue winter skies make a stunning backdrop to the ivory white of the Bredasdorp Dutch Reformed Church Spire. Southern Cape, South Africa.
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Overberg's Blue Winter Skies

Monday, May 20, 2013

Nature Takes Back

The "Nostra" Pub and Restaurant, Struisbaai - on the way to the Southern most tip of Africa.

Eighteen months ago there were people sitting out on the balcony of the Nostra, sipping ice cold drinks and eating seafood platters, catching the sun.
In many of the places I have visited in the world, I find relics of man and what nature thinks of his proud structures.
©Susan Cook-Jahme, Freelance Writer

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